How to fill in sick leave and maternity leave

How to fill in sick leave and maternity leave
 Sick leave and maternity leave for beremennocti outstanding women for a period of 30 weeks in the antenatal clinic in the community. This document is the basis for payment of maternity leave, to fill its strict requirements. If there are errors, the FSS can return sick leave organizations for correction.
 July 1, 2011 introduced a new sick leave, developed the Health Ministry of Russia. Fill sick leave may only organizations that have a license for medical activities. This MLPU physicians, paramedics and dentists hospitals. Does not have the right to fill sick leave ambulance doctors, staff blood transfusion station, etc.

Filling a leaf of invalidity made by doctors and employers. Doctors do not have a right to be wrong, in the case of the transaction, the hospital is overwritten. The employer may make adjustments when filling sick leave. The document signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant.

Fill out a medical certificate need only gel, pen or capillary handle. Color - only black. All text is entered in block capital letters in a special cell to get out of the boundaries of which can not. On sick leave must be two print medical organization that issued the medical certificate. They are placed only in the space provided. A reprint may go beyond the allotted fields, but should not close the cell information field. On a piece of data must be specified medical organization. All the details are entered into the appropriate cells by hand or using a recording means: specify the name of the medical institution or the name of private practitioners; e.

The employer fills the back side of the sheet of disability. Shall contain the following information:

- The settlement period for the calculation of benefits (listed separately years, for example. 2010, 2011);
- The number of days in the billing period (730 in all cases);
- The amount of actual earnings (employee benefits during the period for which accrued premiums for compulsory insurance) - should not exceed 415,000 rubles per year;
- The average daily earnings (defined as the sum of earnings for the 2 calendar years divided by 730).

Table "Due allowance":

- Count "For the period" (specified period of maternity leave);
- Earl "The number of days payable" (the number of days of disability payable);
- Earl "The allowance as a percentage of wages" (recorded amount of the benefit in accordance with the experience of the employee 100%, 80% or 60%);
- Column "daily benefit amount (in rubles. And cop.)" (Amount of daily allowances, depending on the percentage specified in the previous column).

Once completed this table, in special lines affixed words benefit amount which is paid at the expense of the FSS or Russia at the expense of the insured.

When filling out the wrong one of the graph, the organization runs the risk of not getting the amount of compensation paid by a woman benefits due to the FSS.

Tags: family, leaf, pregnancy allowance, leaf, disability, filling