How to complete the log coaching in the workplace

How to complete the log coaching in the workplace
 Concern about the health, creation of favorable conditions of work in accordance with the requirements st.209 LC RF vested in the employer. Occupational safety - is a set of measures aimed at prevention of occupational injuries and diseases of workers. One of the measures - briefings in the workplace.
 The order of briefings, training and testing on a specific enterprise should be regulated for the protection of labor. It must be approved by the supervisor, the union agreed. Shape magazine for registration instructions in the workplace is attached to the Regulations and must be the same for all departments.

Forms logs kept by the engineer for the protection or other employee to whom the order of the assigned this duty. The employee is responsible for briefing the workplace (Foreman, foreman or service), the magazine receives an engineer at RT. It should be tied together and numbered, stamped and signed by the head of the enterprise.

Due to the fact that the workplace is carried out several kinds of instructions, it is permissible to divide the pages of a magazine. For Example:
page 1-10 - primary instruction;
str.11-30 - training;
str.31-50 - repeated instruction;
str.51-65 - unscheduled briefing.

Writing in the journal is the person who conducted the briefing. Entries must be in chronological order.

Each type of instruction has its own characteristics. When the log is full have questions, make mistakes. This is especially true when filling in box 5.

Primary instruction

Held in hiring or transfer. As a rule, the employee meets the "Regulations on OT" for a particular profession or synopsis of primary instruction. These documents must be approved by the supervisor, have the number and date of approval. Therefore, in the graph, you can simply make a link to them. Then concludes: briefing learned, the employee is allowed to work or internship. If he does not need training, entry is "without probation." If needed, appointed by the head of the internship (from experienced workers with work experience of at least 3 years).


Held immediately after the primary instruction, its duration from 2 to 14 shifts (depending on the profession). Internship - is the work for the purpose of acquiring the necessary, safe work skills. Entry is made for each day of the internship, describes what the employee was engaged during the shift. For example: familiarity with the workplace, preparation for operation of the machine, cleaning machine, drilling blanks, grinding and etc. On the last day concludes: "internship learned admitted to the primary verification of knowledge."

A review

Be repeated at least 1 time in six months (unless another period is specified in the Regulations on the OT). Since its purpose - to "refresh" in memory employee basic requirements of occupational safety, instructions are used are the same as that during the primary instruction. Final note: "instructed learned, allowed to work."

Unscheduled briefing

Carried out within 3 working days from the date of occurrence of the events which led to the meeting. Column 5 describes the reason (for example, the introduction of a new process, an accident with an employee, violation of safety rules, etc.), And reference is made to the document.

Repeated or unscheduled permissible conduct briefings list. If someone is absent workers (sickness, vacation), instructing him to carry out after work with the date. Violation of the chronology is not allowed.

Once the log is full, it shall be safety engineer, who in turn passes it to the archive. Shelf life - 3 years.

Tags: form, registration, place, work, magazine, work, coaching, protection, filling