How to calculate wages on hours

How to calculate wages on hours
 In the course of economic activity there are situations when it is necessary to calculate the wage per hour of work. Usually it is calculated by overtime work or for incomplete month worked.
 To calculate the payment for overtime, determine the salary of the employee. This information can be obtained from the employment contract, the employee personal card or a summons to employment. For example, an employee laid salary of 10,000 rubles.

Then determine the number of positions working hours per month. To do this, you can use the factory calendar or timesheets. For example, an employee must work 168 hours.

Calculate all the indicators, divide the amount of salary by the number of working hours per month. The resulting number will be the sum of payment for one hour of work. For example, the amount of payment for one hour of work above the employee is calculated as follows: 10 000 rubles / 168 h = 59, 52 rubles.

In that case, if you calculate the payment for overtime, you should be aware that payment should be made on a larger scale. When you work up to two hours of work in excess of the daily norm, you have to pay one and a half times more than the usual hour. If overtime per day accounted for more than two hours, the wage per hour to be paid at the double rate. For example, the employee worked sverhnormy 1, 5 hours. Thus, the payment will be calculated as follows: 1, 5 hours * 59 * 52rublya 1, 5 (rate) = 133, 92 rubles

Some of the staff involved to work at night. In this case also should calculate the hourly rate. It will also calculate the salary, the appropriate number of hours per month, and divide these two indicators. Then, count the number of hours worked during the night, and multiply by 20 percent. The sum to be paid to the employee.

In some cases it is necessary to calculate the average wage per hour worked. To do this, add the payment for all 12 months of work, calculate the number of hours worked. Divide the amount on the calculated hourly rate.

Tags: boards, clocks, salaries, fees, payment