How to calculate the compensation for leave at dismissal

How to calculate the compensation for leave at dismissal
 Calculation and payment of compensation for vacation №№ governed by Articles 126, 127, 141 of the LC RF. When dismissing an employee on the last working day of the employer is obliged to make payment in full, to pay all current salary and compensation for vacation, which was not used.
 Expect to compensate for the holiday actually worked according to the period during which the employee was not on leave. To do this, divide 28 by 12 and multiply by the number of working hours actually worked months. For each month spent more than 15 days are awarded 2, 33 days of payment. For a month, spent less than 15 calendar days of payment are not charged. If an employee during the working period of leave without pay received more than 14 calendar days, one month in the calculation does not take into account.

Compensation for unused vacation days accrued on basis of average earnings for the 12 months in accordance with Article 139 of the LC RF number. For the calculation of the amount put all earned, which is calculated from the income tax, divide by 12 and 29, 4. The resulting number will be equal to the average daily wage for 12 months. Multiply it by the number of days calculated compensation, add the current salary. If your location is paid to regional coefficient, then add it to the total amount, subtract the income tax. The remaining figure will be the calculation of severance.

If an employee worked for you less than 12 months, make a calculation based on the actual amount earned, which should be divided by the number of months actually worked and 29, 4. The resulting figure, multiply by the number of vacation days. For example, if an employee worked for 6 months in full and less than half of the seventh month, he is supposed to pay compensation for 14 days of unused vacation.

If an employee has worked in your company less than 1 month, the compensation for the vacation he is not entitled.

If an employee has worked for more than 6 months, and obtained leave, and you have paid vacation for 12 months, but they have not worked dismissal completely, the entire overpayment of paid leave calculate the rate at dismissal.

Tags: vacation, compensation, dismissal, payment, settlement