For the calculation of 4611 rubles multiply by 24, divide by 730, you get a 151 ruble 59 kopecks - is the average daily amount of which you have to make a further calculation. If the employee's length of service of less than 6 months, to pay 60% of that amount for all days of disability. If the total length of service from 5 to 8 years old, pays 80%, from 8 years - 100% of the average daily earnings, calculated from the minimum wage. This calculation is only suitable for those cases, if an employee became ill himself. If the hospital received for child care up to 15 years, the amount of payment will be somewhat different.
When you multiply 151 hospital care, 59 on all days specified in the certificate of incapacity. Outpatient care up to 11 days to make calculations based on the average daily earnings of 60%, calculated from the minimum wage. On day 11 - 50%. Both results fold.
Sick leave granted to women to pay benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, in the absence of earnings paid based on 100%. For this purpose, 151, 59 multiply the number of days specified in the piece of disability. Singleton pregnancies medical certificate issued for 140 days, with a multiple pregnancy - 196 days. In severe birth the woman will be given a separate sick leave for 14 days, you are required to pay in the amount of 100% based on the minimum wage. If multiple pregnancy was determined only at the time of birth, the woman you to present a sick leave of 56 days. They also have to be paid at the rate of 100% based on the minimum wage.