If the office space is divided into mini-offices, then at the disposal of each employee should have all the necessary pieces of furniture. First you need to put a table and computer chair and then place as close as possible to the table small racks, podkatnye cabinet and other furniture for storing things. If an employee is constantly working with documents, so they must be in close proximity to his workplace. Each mini-cabinet can also be a small hanger for clothes and bags.
The first and second variant division office space presuppose the existence of a common furniture: tables with drawers and chairs placed around the room so that the staff was easy to move between them, and office cabinets and shelves are arranged along the walls. Thus, each employee has access to things being in closets, and personal documents are stored only in a drawer and shelf add-on. Hangers in such offices are also common. It is recommended to place near the door or organize a small dressing room, fenced off part of the room with hangers by partitions.