Restoring the energy potential of the brain occurs during sleep. Its maximum relaxation promotes the formation of new cells in certain parts of the brain and prepares it for new perceptions and knowledge needed. According to qualified Somnology, occurs during sleep consolidation and systematization of information obtained during the day. A stabilization of the nervous system during sleep provides a good emotional state that accompanies working mood.
The benefits of sleep for both undeniable intelligence and health. Slowing down of all physiological processes during full sleep allows to fill the energy spent during the day and recover bodies, which are the weakest link in the chain of health. The body's ability to regenerate is only possible under favorable conditions for this factor, one of which is sleep.
Duration of sleep for an adult is at least 8 hours, taking into account his biorhythms (owl, bird). Chronic lack of sleep can impair concentration, perception and information diskoordiniruet workflow. Not the best this state affects the appearance. Gray complexion with dark circles under the eyes - this appearance can not be successful, and expressed violations of the health, due to lack of sleep is another obstacle to success.
To maximize the benefits of sleep should comply with certain rules. Going to bed with a half-empty stomach. In this state, the energy will not be distracted from the refreshment of mind and body. Sleeping in the same time contributes to the rapid fall asleep without fatigue. Room for sleeping must be fresh and cool. Coolness makes a deep sleep, while heat and humidity it is interrupted. Comfortable bed. Abstract thought.