But one thing, if the employee is unable to cope with their job responsibilities and constantly asking for disciplinary action, quite another - the conflict within the team, in connection with which the inconvenient employee trying every way to get rid of. It can occur in any soil, often has no relation to the direction of the company. If there was an adverse situation, it helps to avoid layoffs only firm position.
• Do not react to provocations: managers can artificially aggravate the situation, thereby encouraging the employee to withdraw from the company. But the worst predictions, which are usually sounded, as a rule, are not baseless, sufficient to implement them.
• Do not agree to write a statement on their own, especially under pressure. Turn back the course of events is unlikely to succeed: to recover much more difficult than to resign.
• Come to the workplace on time and adhere to the rules prescribed in the instructions. The first thing you will notice an employer who wished to get rid of inconvenient employee - breach of discipline and the presence of defects in the work. Dismiss for failure to plan is impossible - it is contrary to law.
• Try to be transferred to another department, to as little as possible to deal with the current leadership.
• Relax - Take a vacation, complete your sick leave, take time off due. And at this time necessarily think over, and it is important for you and this work may be, it makes sense to find a new place.