Tasks write in a notebook or diary, and when you reach them put a checkmark or simply discarded. Soon you will see that you made on each list decreases the difficulty, and mood and desire to work - is increasing. Once you learn how to perform daily a small list, put it more large and complex task. But do it gradually so that the load for you was not noticeable.
In order to make you more pleasant to carry out his plan, be sure to improve the working environment. Place your order in the room, remove all distractions you things, and all the necessary things put on hand to you at any moment could take advantage of them, and did not run and do not want, wasting your precious time.
Do not forget about the rest. Make yourself daily routine and leave for certain hours of free time. It should be enough for you then to relax a little, eat and gather new strength. If your work is connected with the computer, try to arrange more often at least a five-minute break to the eye could relax a bit.
Praise yourself for the successful execution of the job. If you reach the day the best results, treat yourself to something tasty or enjoyable. For example, go for a massage or cook your favorite dish. Note that when you work more vigorously. If you have a free schedule and you like to get up early, and in the evening there is a certain passivity, follow their cases early in the morning. And if you wake up in the morning for you is problematic, and at night you go to sleep late, bring work for the evening, and the day is gaining strength.
Most problems encountered, causing reluctance to do the job is monotonous. It is very difficult to carry out the same for a long time. To deal with this is simple enough. Try to make your list for the day consisted of a variety of tasks. Even if the goal is very large and requires a lot of time, divide it into several days. Thus, performing every day something similar and it is not spending too much time, you do not have time to get bored with this work, and you will do it with pleasure.