First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that any calls have some limitations on the time at which they can be performed. Thus, "in the case of" better to call during business hours, but not on the weekends. Relatives can disturb in any day of the week from 9.00 am to 22.00 pm, although there is of course also may have their own nuances.
In a conversation with a stranger you must first say hello, and then waiting for a reply greetings, introduce themselves. It should also be remembered that the business calls should not be too long, and if we know in advance that the conversation will take at least 20 minutes, then be sure to check with your interlocutor, if he had so many times.
In conversation, avoid colloquial expressions and references such as "girl", "man". Better use of the form "Can you please tell ...", "if you please, ..." etc.
For any kind of communication over the phone, there is a rule: if the connection suddenly cut short, the call must be the person who first dialed last time. It is important to note that the person who has the phone is equipped with determinant upon detection of a missed call, regardless of the number sign him or not, be sure to call back.
If the phone rings at the person who can not pick up the phone, the others for him to do so not worth it. If the call to the home phone, and the phone takes not one to whom the call is addressed, then ask who and for what reason call undesirable, but at the same time, calling itself should communicate this information.