Professionalism in communication: the basic rules of business etiquette

Professionalism in communication: the basic rules of business etiquette
 For successful business is currently not enough to understand the economy, able to calculate profits and risks and know the ins and outs of the business. No less important are considered knowing and complying with the many unwritten rules of business etiquette. If you ignore them, you can get a reputation as a non-professional person with whom it is better not to have anything to do.
 Honesty and reliable partner - a guarantee of success. These qualities are perhaps the most important indicators of the business viability of a man leading a business. Naturally, this does not mean that the partners tend to be in peace and friendship with all those around them. But if you show your reliability, your partner will receive a guarantee that he will not lose by cooperating with you.

Punctuality is one of the most important qualities of a professional. Without the ability to all, as expected, calculate, plan and, most importantly, to fulfill their ideas, success is simply impossible to achieve. The same applies to communication with partners if you have agreed to a meeting, no matter what happened, but come on it you should in time delay are not allowed. None of your apologies and assurances that this accident will not be able to neutralize some subconscious feeling of doubt that you call his act.

A necessary component of your communicative culture is courtesy - an expression of respect for the man and his dignity. This rule has a strong rationale: it has been estimated that workers who allow themselves to be rude to customers, the company brings less profit. Labor productivity (sold their product or service per unit of time) have a 17% lower than the polite staff.

Be discreet and correct. Ability to behave in the bounds of decency, without succumbing to the provocations, to be correct in disputes and conflict situations often helps to solve many business issues.

Tact and modesty enhance your image in the business world. Partner who wants to deal with you, care about how you will communicate with him. Nobody wants to be in an awkward position because of the fact that his interlocutor can not keep his mouth shut and allow themselves to go beyond the bounds of decency. And even more so, to listen to someone who is constantly puffing out their ambitions and interests.

Learn to listen without interrupting. Even if you are super professional, it does not mean that you know everything and have to ignore what you are saying. Interrupting the interlocutor is akin to rudeness, and it does not make good business.

"Golden mean". You have to find a delicate balance between cooperation and competition, which will allow you to successfully grow your business. Military action against your competitors are rarely a good idea, sometimes more useful to find some compromise version of the solution of the problem, and competitors may be useful in the development of the business.

Rules of business etiquette include not only the ability to establish contacts, negotiate and negotiate, but to dress properly, correctly speaking, welcome guests, conduct business dinners and so on. To master these rules is not easy, but necessary if you want to be a worthy and equal business partner.

Tags: communication, etiquette, professionalism