Business meeting etiquette

Business meeting etiquette
 Etiquette of business communication much easier participants holding business meetings. It provides all the necessary stuff that regulate almost everything - from the style of clothing to manners. Compliance with the etiquette of business communication allows all meeting participants feel equal partners and not waste time on unnecessary rituals, use it as efficiently.

Knowledge of business etiquette is a must for any participant business processes. It is necessary to strictly implement, because in this area you have to communicate with many people having different national culture and religious beliefs. In business meetings you do not need to take into account these differences, if you and your partner will speak the same, and all general plain language of business communication.

Business meeting restricts the choice of costume - for men it is the classic two-piece dark colors (but not brown), which allows to undo one or two buttons. Length trousers - until the middle of the heel, socks and shoes - the costume can be black. Please note that when you are sitting with her legs crossed, between the toe and legs could be seen strips of skin on the leg. Women also can wear two-piece or three with a light blouse, allowed the use of accessories.

If a business meeting scheduled in your office, give the necessary instructions to the Secretary inform the time, the names of the guests. Following the report of the Secretary of their arrival, be sure to get up and get out of the table to meet, shake hands. Business etiquette allows a man to first extend a hand to a lady in a handshake. If you are not familiar, then exclude kisses and hugs. Suggest to sit on the prepared place. Suggest bones coffee or tea, even if the Secretary has already done so. An offer, you can repeat it later during the meeting.

During the conversation, spoke briefly and to the point, do not interrupt the interlocutor. Behave without excessive rigor and pathos, of course, but do not let the informal behavior. Demonstrate interest and location, willingness to listen. Control your emotions and show no elation, no apparent distress. Refer to the interlocutors by name.

At the end of the conversation briefly repeat the main points of it, to make sure that both you and your guests to understand each other. Assign a time and place when the next meeting. If the format and content of the meeting allows it to offer guests a light buffet, dessert, coffee and alcoholic beverages. Their quality should not be in doubt. After the meeting, the guests spend the door, say goodbye to each handshake.

Tags: suit, format, meeting etiquette