Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette
 During the use of business communication etiquette necessary. Often, how we behave depends on the welfare of the expected trouble or circumstances. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette guarantee the success of any endeavor.
 The word "etiquette" appeared thanks to the French language (label, label, label). The word implies a set of rules of conduct in relation to the others: a form of greeting, standards of conduct in public places, manners, appearance. Often regarded as a set of etiquette rules of conduct Some adopted in different social circles. The term "business etiquette" usually refers to business communication in society, whether it be work or business office reception.

At the first meeting usually start talking to each other mutual representations story about yourself or your work, if it is a business meeting. Then you can move on to the concrete, your issue.
If the meeting the parties took place earlier, a good start would be a short overview of developments since your last meeting. Discussion opinions on common professional interests can also be quite appropriate continuation of the conversation. It is very important to build a conversation so that eventually he let the conversation to the key issues and move smoothly to its discussion.

In most countries, in order to give attention to the other party during business negotiations, decided to offer the partner a cup of coffee or tea. As a rule, the gesture softens environment helps to overcome a barrier during intercourse, if any. In Russia, this practice too widespread. Decided to ask the guest that he would prefer - tea or coffee, before actually beginning the conversation. Drinks are served after five or ten minutes from the beginning of the conversation. Tea and coffee is usually served with cream or milk (in a separate bowl). If a visitor is asked to submit a soft drink, it is desirable that it was a little chilled.

No doubt, absolutely all love compliments. Their use helps to gain success, respect, and a host of friends. Gift should not sound like a "duty" phrase, or he is able to offend the interlocutor and subsequently play a negative role. The main rule is a compliment - sincerity. Also, the same is not a compliment near two people. Unacceptable excessive compliments, there needs tact and sense of proportion. Taking a compliment, thank adopted shortly and make it clear that it is appropriate and enjoyable.

It is generally accepted opinion that the concept of business etiquette, as the culture of communication, based on four basic rules: natural, tact, courtesy and dignity.

 Author: Anastasia Myrina

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