How to write a good character

How to write a good character
 Good performance on employee - his chance to climb the corporate ladder. If a person really deserves positive feedback, you need to write a response correctly.
 Before you start writing a feature, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what it is. Own characteristics - a summary tezisno service and social activities of the employee in the enterprise.

Since the characteristic - the official document, it has a certain structure. The first thing to point out - the surname, name and patronymic characterized. The following data in the list - education. You must specify which schools he graduated from officer, whether held training courses which.

Then you need to specify how long the employee works at your company. In chronological order you must write, which position he held for the entire period of his work, what responsibilities have been assigned to it.

After the entry you need to not just list the business and personal qualities of the individual - need to evaluate them. Since the characteristic is positive, from this side and the approach to the assessment. For example, you could write that the employee has a high level of professionalism, is familiar with the documentation. Do not forget to mention how he carefully takes the job description.

In describing the performance, it is important to mention his ability to develop the ability to learn. Imagine an employee with the best hand - he knows how to solve their tasks properly distributes the working time, active and enterprising in moderation.

Importantly communication and management quality employee. Need to describe how he knows how to solve conflicts, to cope with the management of the department, finds common ground with other units.

In conclusion, note the ethical qualities of the person. For example, as far as he is sociable and stressoustoychiv. Do not forget that when you write a good characteristics is better to use positive expressions for evaluation.

Tags: characteristic