How to improve the performance and mental activity

How to improve the performance and mental activity
 Modern human activities, usually associated with mental work, sedentary work. Many of us have neither the strength nor the desire for physical activity - visiting the gym, swimming pool. The result of this way of life is reduced performance and low mental activity. If you notice any symptoms at one or the other, you know - it's time to change the lifestyle and diet.

First, reconsider your attitude to work and your lifestyle. You have to understand that the more time you devote only work, the lower the quality. For a full and productive intellectual work requires a change of activity. This may be a physical work or athletic exercises. But they need to be regular. Even the daily half-hour walk before bedtime, morning run, already allow you to unload the brain, give him a break and oxygenate the blood, improve blood flow and brain activity.

Use the weekend to maximum advantage - sign up in the swimming pool or the gym at least once a week, give your body a chance to physically work in emergency mode. Take a trip out of town, on nature, just walking in the woods, sit on the bank of the river, pond. It is a powerful energy supply, which you it will be enough for a whole week.

Second, pay attention to your diet and diet. Try to eat breakfast in the morning tight, even if you do not like. Morning and for some time after lunch - the most productive for mental activity, so at this time it is better not to be distracted by thoughts of food. Dine fully is not limited to a cup of tea and a sandwich.

Your diet should be balanced meals that contain proteins that contribute to the development of stimulating brain activity of substances - dopamine and adrenaline. They accelerate the reaction, and the process of thinking, increase energy. When this protein is coming into your body should be both animal and vegetable origin.

Improve brain activity and products containing starch - black bread, potatoes, nuts, rice and beans. Stimulating brain activity B vitamins and nicotinic acid found in fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products. Excellent stimulant - polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in olive oil and fish. Eat a varied and balanced, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and you will be able to retain the ability to concentrate, improve memory and enhance mental processes.

Tags: power, process, ration, operation, activity