How to get rid of stage fright

How to get rid of stage fright
 Many people who had to speak in front of a large audience to experience stage fright. It's a horrible feeling - a person starts to stutter, his hands were shaking, he forgets it and sweats. This leads to the fact that the overall performance is "crumpled".
 Stage fright is not necessarily related to the self-doubt - many well-known politicians, actors and musicians have such a problem. Some very opinionated people dread the thought appear before an audience.

Psychologists believe that the best way to get rid of stage fright is constant practice before the performance. One minute of your speech you need to spend at least five minutes of preparation. Rehearse your speech as much as possible. It is desirable to find listeners or viewers from friends or relatives, but if no one is, it is possible to practice before a mirror. You should hear his voice, to see their movements. Once the presentation is brought to perfection, think about what questions may be asked listeners, and pre-thought out response to them. Write them down. Also try to prevent all possible errors: prepare yourself in advance to ensure that you can do something wrong, and contemplate the way out.

During training you may find that you say stupid things, making funny gestures and generally look ridiculous. All this - manifestations of fear. You need to realize that you are afraid it will help to overcome the phobia. Before the show as often as possible, call in my mind of painting: as you stand in front of people like to talk or move. In no case do not imagine that the audience is laughing at you, imagine only positive situations: for example, after your speech, the audience stands up and applauds.

There is one effective exercise against physical manifestations of fear: for example, if you were shaking hands, do not try to stop shaking. Make it so that they trembled even more, and after a while it will pass. It's simple - increasing a reaction, you begin to control it, and then get rid of it easily.

Learn how to breathe correctly. When a person takes possession of fear, his breathing becomes rapid and discontinuous. Monitor him breathe slowly, deeply, stomach, make small delay between breaths.

During his speech, select one person in the audience and watch it all the time, imagining that this is your only listeners and viewers. When one thought is completed, move the view of the other person.

Tags: fear, scene fear