How do you know which profession suits you

How do you know which profession suits you
 Find your profession is quite difficult. It often happens that people spend years training and then realize that it's not what he wanted. How not to be mistaken with the choice of profession?
 When choosing a career, use the advice of the astrologer. Despite the fact that the official science does not recognize astrology, an experienced specialist will be able to give you a very accurate recommendations. Just keep in mind that during a visit to his or while interacting with them on the internet should not talk about their interests and passions. Let his advice will be based solely on your natal chart and your photo (if required). Note that if you do not know your date of birth to within minutes, astrologer will have to spend quite a complicated procedure restore the exact time of birth. And for that he will need additional information, probably is some important events of your life.

If you are cautious or skeptical about astrology, use other methods determine your life path. Try the following method: Imagine that you are absolutely wealthy person, who does not need to think about tomorrow. And think about what would you do in this case? That is - engaged exclusively for the soul? Take this very seriously. Try to find out what business brings you true satisfaction. If this is successful, and you're sure to choose, try to figure out how to turn popular with you exercise the profession. Sometimes it seems complicated, but the one who does not change the dream, everything works normally. For example, a man discovers that he likes to travel. In this case, it can become a professional traveler, journalists covering other countries, writer, describes his journey. There is always an option, it would wish to find it.

When choosing a profession in any case do not evaluate it for it brought in revenue. Money - it's good, but they still have not made anyone happy (believe millionaires and billionaires - they know what they say). If you wake up in the morning, sadly think that you will find a whole day unloved work, it will not pay back any money. Man is born for happiness - so go for it!

Remember one secret of the universe: it is ready to fulfill your wildest desires. But for this we must know how to formulate them. If you say to yourself: "I am very unlucky and I have no money", the universe agrees with you - "Well, you're unlucky and you have no money." Conversely, if you build the belief that you are all wonderful, and will be even better, the universe will agree with you and your life will turn for the better. Never mind that now you do not have something - a thought, as if all that you already have. Desire "I want to travel" is wrong. Should be: "I travel." Any that while this is not the reality. Would have been the right idea and the dates of events and opportunities will not keep you waiting.

Tags: profession choice