Business feminine: original ideas

Business feminine: original ideas
 The role of provider listed for man since ancient times. He is obliged to protect and provide for his family. Starting with hunting mammoths, the scope of man's interests shifted to war, and then to work and business. In women, the story was different. Until equations rights of both sexes, women's responsibilities were limited to child-rearing, storage chamber and the creation of beauty. From equation rights fragile and gentle woman had to provide for themselves by playing by the rules of men's business. Over time, it became clear that female soul alien tough game for men.

Female nature different from men, not only physically, but also in terms of emotional energy. Women's harmonious nature: calm, gentle and soft. Harmony is violated when a woman begins to do something without pleasure. Because of this, business, built on the men's rules, contrary to the feminine nature. Equation rights sexes has not passed without the addition of duties. Women were forced to try on the role of men, becoming dobytchitsami. Their rights, they had to defend, playing by the rules of men in a man's world. Gradually, women got used to the role of men, which they have become accustomed. And now nobody is surprised when a woman has ambition, exhibits masculine qualities, as well as earn more than men, occupies a higher position and build your business. But, suppressing their femininity, many women get in return neuroses, stress, illness and unsettled personal life.

The way out of this deplorable situation can become a business as a woman, which is based on the fact that a woman brings pleasure. It is logical to assume that a great option of women's business will be the development of his favorite hobbies.

Now a hobby for many women - a chance to relax after a hard day, pick yourself up, diversity of life. It is noteworthy that women's interests often are traditionally female occupations, which favorably affect their energy. On the basis of a hobby and need to build the original business for women.

Is always a price to be unique items made with their own hands. Hand-made in recent times has become particularly popular. Creation of fashion accessories, jewelry, sewing and knitting original clothes - a reason to open a small studio or online store. On a good product is always a buyer. A great taste in the selection of clothing can be converted into earnings, graduated from the course and become a stylist.

In the field of beauty can also find application if you know how to do nails, manicure, beautiful makeup, styling or hair extensions. These services are always in demand, so they easily can be the basis for the business as a woman.

If you - the master to give advice to her friends, love to help people, can always lift your mood and help to get out of a difficult situation, try your hand at psychology. Psychological education will come in handy not only to build a business, but also in his personal life.

Female business is easy to arrange, if you own artistic talents and skills to work with specialized computer programs. Who claimed design and printing of printed and online media, and to realize their potential does not necessarily work for the organization. On the contrary, you can open your own business without risk.

If your passion - decoration items, decoupage, painting glass, decoration of your home or suburban area, you can think about how to do this as women's business. Decorating, interior design, and landscape design have recently become popular. Over time, you can open a design office or store homemade gifts.

Ability to cook and decorate food also deserves praise not only from loved ones. To your culinary delights can evaluate the general public, open your coffee shop or cook to order for a variety of festivals and events.

You can tell stories not only to your children, if you know how to skillfully put words together in the beautiful stories, writing books, articles, stories can be your woman's business. Love for children - a reason to open a home daycare. Hobby florist will help organize the flower shop. And if no fitness and dance you can not live a day, then easily be able to teach others the tricks of yoga or a strip of plastic.

As you can see, every woman's fascination with the idea may be to develop a full-fledged business, which would not conflict with the feminine nature, bringing pleasure to his mistress.

However, just take to start a business, without a doubt, not everyone will be decided. Almost all of us doubt weigh the pros and cons and eventually give up, and not starting.

Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" produced another good book - this time known seamstress and designer beads Svetlana Military in which she shares her personal experiences and tells the stories of others who boldly went from the usual office routine and found his calling in the works . What could be more reassuring to new endeavors than someone else's successful experience?

On the one hand, the book is to "make and sell" - is a conditional business plan for novice hendmeykerov to help from the very beginning to position their creativity, and most importantly - to successfully sell and not to work in the table. But on the other hand, Svetlana Military wrote a guide for creative people entangled in the search for himself, and this - the most precious thing in her book.

Svetlana Military steps and explains in simple terms all stages of the creative process, from ordering materials and pricing prior to the sale and the formation of its clientele. In the "make and sell" you can also find valuable advice - what to do in the first stage is not worth it, and what to look out for. The book is read in one breath and incredibly inspiring to new feats, so if you really want it, but can not decide - you book Svetlana Military assistant.

Tags: idea, business, woman