Shampoo - bad for hair?

Shampoo - bad for hair?
 Shampoos, conditioners and other means of hair care products are chemical origin only. To preserve their quality and make them mitigating blowing and aromatic properties ingredient structure includes plenty of harmful substances. Each of them is able to accumulate in the body and eventually cause a variety of health problems. However Bole pretentious choice of shampoo and awareness of all components included in it, can significantly reduce the risk of adverse effects after use.  
 Most shampoos on the market cosmetic industry contains harmful substances. Without adding them impossible to achieve preservation of the product and its other qualities. However, these substances can cause allergies, dermatitis, nerve disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the formation of a large number of free radicals that cause premature aging and other health problems. While the body is in the process of self-purification and self-healing, he will always display all the toxins. However, violation of excretory function and decreased immunity may be a trigger in the development of serious illness.

The most dangerous substance in the shampoo is sodium lauryl sulfate. He has foaming and degreasing action. However, it is perhaps its only positive feature, because even a small amount of it is toxic to the body. Dry skin and flaking after him - the most harmless consequences. Much more serious unseen damage that it inflicts, accumulating for years in the liver, eyes, heart, brain cells. Meanwhile, there is a better and less toxic analog of the substance - ammonium lauryl sulfate. Because of the high cost, it is used much less frequently, with the exception of really good shampoo.

To make the shampoo beautiful colors add various artificial colors. Especially should alert pearlescent shade. It is most often sought by using materials containing heavy metals: mercury, arsenic and lead. They have a pronounced carcinogenic and neurotoxic effects in the future may well be the cause of cancer and serious disorders of the nervous system.

In order not to expose themselves to unnecessary risk once again, it is better to give preference to transparent shampoo gels that do not use dyes. In the ingredient composition is necessary to pay attention to the foaming agent in the case of the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate (SIS, porel sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate) continue to search for hair products. Also note the smell. Too intrusive and sharp flavor can be a sign of the use of cheap artificial fragrances that can cause allergies, headaches, depression, memory loss, aggression, and other disorders of the nervous system.

Most of the shampoos, designed for the average consumer does not differ decent quality. So do not skimp on health and choose the more expensive shampoo with natural oils and extracts. But if the possibility can not stop it your choice, it is better not to get involved frequent washing of the head and excessive use of salves, sprays and other hair care products.

Tags: hair, shampoos, grooming, material selection, evil