Secure hair dye: Myth or Reality?

 The desire to change and become more beautiful often confronts us with a choice, who would like to avoid. Beautiful hair or hair healthy? - This question, no doubt, familiar to all women in thought stops in front of storefronts cosmetic shops or pawing mosaic with samples of paint colors in a beauty salon. More recently, the decision to change the nature of this suit will inevitably meant infringement hair in their right to grow and shine. But today are becoming more affordable innovative new products that offer a new approach to hair coloring. The details - women's magazine JustLady.  

In category Beauty spa pedicure

A small explosion with big consequences

TraditionallyHair Dye divided into three main types: persistent, semiproof and tint. The first type is well known for any of us - is a classic hair color with ammonia (sometimes replaced with alkaline particles amines) and hydrogen peroxide. It gives a quick, but often unpredictable results, accompanied by a characteristic chemical suffocating odor, often allergic reactions and the impossibility of returning to the natural hair color as long as the painted parts will not sostrizhena. Such paints affect the structure of hair like an explosion: ammonia reaction literally vzdyblivaet hair scales (cuticle), a dye penetrates them, which, due to the content of hydrogen peroxide changes color shag. After that, the injured cuticle somehow smoothed using a balm for colored hair, but made no change: the integrity of the hair permanently changed for the worse. And what is most offensive, color, for which the perpetrators of such victims, quickly fades: crippled scales are simply unable to keep it in its original condition. If the painting in dark tones still can somehow make the hair look good, it is no exaggeration to blondirovanie their kills. Today resistant paint enriched caring components that feasibly reduce the "shock" effect, but the mechanism of action of the dye that does not change. 

Tint paint almost do not harm the hair, but also have a very low resistance, washing away completely in less than ten times. However, no one would ever think to change the image with a toning agent - they are used to emphasize and make deeper natural light hair, get rid of unwanted color (eg yellow after blondirovanija) or refresh previously dyed hair.

Semiproof (semi-permanent) hair dye in recent years become increasingly popular. They are often called bezammiachnymi, stressing during staining did not occur "explosive" reaction involving unpleasant smelling ammonia. Such paints contain hydrogen peroxide and may incompletely lighten, but do not penetrate deeply into the body and under the hair scales, thereby gradually washed (average for two months). This is an advantage - converge uniformly to the entire surface,bezammiachnymi paint do not form a distinct boundary between the regrown roots and painted the rest of the hair. Those who are constantly using semi-permanent color, note that their resistance from application to application increases and paint layering and gradually penetrating deeper, longer rests on the hair. Usually bezammiachnymi paint give a little darker than expected tone. They are really more sparing hair than persistent, and much less likely to cause an allergic reaction but, however, can not be considered completely safe because of the content of hydrogen peroxide, and in some cases, alternative oxidants. However, the paint is strife and now appear on the market the most "lightweight" and rich natural ingredients bezammiachnymi paint, gently changing hair color and almost hurting them.

Secure hair dye: Myth or Reality?

Brilliant "cover" for each hair

Elyuminirovanie hair it was suggested by the manufacturer of cosmetics for hair Goldwell and created a furor in the hairdressing world. A similar procedure, but without the use of drugs Goldwell Elumen, calllamination. In any case, a feature technology is such that each hair during special procedures and protecting the coated film thickening. Since elyuminirovanii not involved oxidation process by mixing paints immediately apparent final hue. Elyuminirovanie - rather, it is a physical, rather than chemical procedure, as in the course of its emphasis on the fact that negative dye particles "stick" to the positively charged hair, providing resistance effects. The position of the hair cuticles is not broken - coloring particles are so small that seep into the "gap" cuticle.

Significant negative elyuminirovaniya that it should only be certified specialist salon and it's pretty costly procedure. Elyuminirovanie original drugs takes about two hours and consists of several stages. First, hair is processed preparing their composition, "eat" pollution, then the cause is leveling structure lotion, whose action prevents uneven coloring, and then applied to the actual dye Elumen. After half its impact hair thoroughly washed twice and stabilize the color and result in two stages, using color fixative and balsam. In that case, if the result for any reason are not satisfied client, elyuminirovanie removed using a special tool.

In fact, this technology consists of two phases, with different perspectives. The dye penetrates deeply into the body of the hair, providing color stability, and by means of post-processing the hair is covered with a protective film a kind, helping not only to remain inside the hair color, but also discouraging to any kind of external harm, threatening hair.Elyuminirovannye hair looks extremely shiny and satin-smooth - As in advertising shampoo. Often visitors of salons do colorless elyuminirovanie, improves the appearance and condition of natural hair to such an extent that it becomes the color is not needed. But it should be noted that the palette elyuminiruyuschego dye has a very large variety of unusually pure natural and extravagant colors, so give up the coloring is not so easy.

However, if you can not help elyuminirovaniya blondirovannyh hair. If necessary, colorists typically compromise - bleached hair first, and then "sealed" transparent elyuminatom which restores and maintains their structure.

Silk and ceramics

"Ceramic painting" (it is "silk painting")also based on the principle of magnetic attraction multidirectional particles. This technology was invented by the American hairdresser Farouk Shami and was named CHI - an acronym in English means "cation-moisturizing relationship." According to the creators, this relationship is the basis of relationships and this innovative hair dye.

In the paint CHI contains specially treated in a complex way and prepared ceramic alloy, attached to the natural alkali. The mixture is applied to the hair, and being exposed to heat, gently lifts the hair cuticle, opening the way for the coloring moisturizing cream based on silk. Due to the closely related structures of silk and human hair and bipolar charge of the molecule "cling" to each other, and the scales are closed. Therefore, the structure of the hair during the coloring is not only tested for strength, but also improved - a piece of silk fill "gaps" in the cuticle.

Technology "ceramic staining" refers to the elite and require a high level of professionalism of the performer. With their help, perhaps sparing lighten hair up to 10 tones, but this procedure is distinguished by a special complexity. Initially aligned using hair keratin emulsion, then they applied lightening composition that upon expiration of the washed off special neytraliruyuschimi alkali substances, and the final result is assigned preparation of liquid silk.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: paint, hair, beauty, reality, composition, suitability, durability, lighting, painting, Barnaul, Vladivostok