How to wind long hair

How to wind long hair
 Permanent hair - is the surest way to transform their long locks in light and elegant ringlets or curls perky. Wind hair, you can use different kinds of hair curlers and curling.
 Before curling hair to wash and then dry a little bit to the strands were wet. So it will be easier to cheat them, and after a wave curls hold out much longer. If you need to curl your hair without washing, use a spray to wet strands of water.

Select the method of curling. Large curlers make your curls air and hairstyle will be particularly lush. With the help of a medium-sized curlers you get a tight and tiny curls. Pliers are suitable for all types of curls and gives hair extra volume. If you're short on time and need to make an urgent perm, use hot rollers. With their help, you can make beautiful curls in just half an hour.

If you decide to try to perm curlers, located in front of the mirror and apply to wet hair gel or styling mousse. With the help of a comb-comb separate single strand suitable for width rollers. The thinner it is, the smaller the curls are obtained. Comb the strand along the entire length, lock finger ends of her hair in curlers and tighten up the strand to the roots.

If you want to make spiral curls, twist the hair curlers are not holding horizontally and vertically. Such locks are particularly well look at the case when they are not crimped over the entire surface of the hair, but only from the middle.

Twisted curl lock and continue to wind the hair strand by strand, and then leave them to dry completely. Then carefully remove the curlers and comb the hair with a brush or carefully divide the curls hands. To laying kept as long as possible, use paint with a superstrong fixation.

If you want to curl your hair with a forceps, zacheshite them back comb separate one of the strands, screw on the entire length of the heat and no more than 10 seconds. Gradually loosening the clamp, release lock and continue to wind the hair in the direction of the face to the back of the head. And then go over the crest curls cooled down with a few teeth and secure stacking using varnish.

Termobigudi not suitable for everyday styling, as applied to hair great harm. Try to use them only in extreme cases, no more than twice a month. Hair styling in this way does not require pre-shampooing. All that you need - just to wind the hair and wait for complete cooling to subsequently locks have not broken up.

Tags: hair curler, curl, curling tongs