How to speed up hair growth?

How to speed up hair growth?
 Natural hair growth rate is very low. To obtain the desired length hair often requires a lot of time, but not everyone has the patience. To accelerate the growth of hair, stick a few tips.

Firstly, for normal hair growth in healthy human body should do the necessary minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, beta-carotene, calcium, iodine, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, silicon, selenium, sulfur, and zinc. Therefore, the diet must be correct and balanced, and lifestyle - healthy.

Second, accelerate hair growth contributes to proper care. It is necessary to minimize all traumatic factors (blow-drying, curling tongs, chemical coloring, sudden changes in temperature, etc.). Comb the hair to gently, starting from the bottom, not tear them. It is better to use plastic or wooden combs. Means for washing and care must be selected according to the type of hair. Wash your hair better for 4-5 hours before bedtime, so they had time to dry. Split ends should be trimmed 1 every 2-3 months by using the "hot" scissors.

Third, use the popular recipes for hair growth. There are a variety of means. For example, a mask with oils. In particular, well accelerate the growth of hair mask with karite butter, bay, mint, jojoba oil, nutmeg, mint. To feed the roots of vitamins good use of oil or infusion means with aloe vera.

Can increase hair growth remedies that irritate the hair follicles and thus stimulate the flow of blood and nutrients. In this action the tincture of red pepper, cinnamon, ginger, mustard, and others. Such substances should be applied only in the masks.

Fifth, stimulate hair growth and promotes scalp massage douche. Massage can be done with the application of a hair mask.

Sixth, accelerate the growth of hair, you can use professional tools. They need to pick the type of hair, and used according to instructions.

Tags: hair growth, mask, acceleration, care