Following a perm or clarification correctly pick the paint color that best matches your natural light brown shade. With regular coloring hair grow back very quickly and very quietly painted areas to replace natural.
In order to successfully pick up the paint, wait until the roots grow back, and pick up the color of the dye in accordance with a touch of regrown hair. If you do not want to wait and walk with untidy head, then resort to the following method: choose a sunny day, rinse off all makeup from the face and look at the color of the eyebrows, facial skin and eyes. In accordance therewith and grab the appropriate color ink. For accurate matching paint is recommended to use probes which are artificial strands dyed in different colors are placed on a round base. Probes can always be found in the stores of cosmetics, hairdressing and beauty salons. Take probes, go to the mirror and turn samples apply to face. After you've found the right shade, be sure to write down the paint code.
In that case, if the hair has been colored a dark color, it will be very difficult to return to its original light brown shade. First discolor hair and then dye them in brown color. Or, if your haircut medium length, wait until until it grows back, and sostrig painted finishes. But keep in mind that you will have two or three months to go with unkempt head.