How to make hair grow

How to make hair grow
 What girl does not dream of beautiful hair? But the reality is that many of the fairer sex, there are certain problems with hair growth. And it does not always depend on the age. There are special techniques that help your hair grow faster.
 Cut hair should be only in case if you notice split ends. Workers hairdressers say that it is desirable to cut approximately every 7 weeks. However, to follow such advice is not necessarily because the body at all different. Some can easily grow long hair for two or three months and then shear off split ends.

Purchase a strengthening shampoo that suits your hair type only. Use the air conditioner when washing your head. The use of these funds has a positive impact on the healthy growth of hair.

Apply a nourishing mask of honey at least once a week and only on clean hair. Wrap around your head wet towel and hold it for about twenty minutes. After that, rinse with water, applying the mask. Remember that the honey and sea buckthorn oil has a therapeutic effect.

It should make it a rule to massage your head every day for ten minutes. Do this simple circular movements of the fingers. This procedure will help to establish blood flow to the hair follicles and will have a powerful impact on their growth.

Nutrition plays a vital role. Eat more minerals and vitamins (B6, zinc, magnesium, folic acid). These elements are contained in cabbage, bean, soybean, cereals. Together, they will be very fruitful effect on hair growth. Also do not forget that your body needs, and beta-carotene. It is found in fish, eggs, cheese and nuts. Try to use at least some of the products each day.

Drink at least two liters of clean water daily. If the body is not enough moisture, the hair will start to dry up, and it will lead to their thinning and slower growth. Do not forget about the strong dream, which is the key to overall health and excellent hair growth stimulants.

Tags: hair growth