How to dye your hair with henna

How to dye your hair with henna
 Many ladies prefer to chemical hair dyes usual henna. And no wonder, because with it you can not only give your hair a golden, red or brown shades, but also to ensure healthy growth, strength and beauty of hair.

How to dye your hair with henna right? Staining henna - a long process, but it is quite possible to perform at home.

To begin to determine the amount required to henna your hair. Usually staining medium length shag requires 3 packages of 45 grams of henna.

Hair before coloring it is necessary to prepare - sostrich a dry cloth, as they are in the process of painting become more vivid color. Before applying henna hair should be clean, moist and well combed.

Powder from the packet pour into a plastic container and pour boiling water so that the mixture is the consistency of sour cream adopted. Stir thoroughly henna, leaving no lumps to obtain a uniform coloration. You can mix the grass in a water bath, it is easier to dissolve lumps.

Since in contact with skin henna stain it, the procedure should be carried out with gloves on. We must start from the back. It is necessary to paint over the strands one by one, putting henna from the roots to the tips. It is convenient to use a broad brush. Once all the hair on his head dyed, massage them to henna hair was distributed evenly.

Henna is better to keep warm under the hood, so the hair should be wrapped with polyethylene and towel.
To remove stains from henna from the skin, you need to wipe it with fat cream.

The mixture was kept on the hair to achieve the desired result. Blond hair dyed an average half-hour dark - 1, 5-3 hours.

Useful tips for coloring hair with henna:
- To get a darker shade, you can add a couple of tablespoons of henna natural ground coffee;
- Henna will be easier to bear if warm gruel add egg yolk;
- To have acquired a nice shine hair after coloring, add the paste of henna a few drops of vinegar;
- To reduce the time staining, can be heated towel hairdryer;
- The effect of staining will double if gruel henna add 1st.l. castor, almond or olive oil.

And remember that the effect of henna is not passed in the back, do not abuse this natural dye. Henna should not be used more than once in 2 months. To refresh the color, it is better to resort to rinsing with henna. To this end, 1 package dissolve in a liter of boiling water and cool. The resulting broth rinse your hair during washing. Solid color back.

Tags: hair, henna painting