Nourishing mask for oxen: how to make home

Nourishing mask for oxen: how to make home
 For a complete hair care enough to use shampoo and conditioner. It is necessary to make regular revitalizing face masks, for example, nutrients, which can be prepared independently from natural ingredients.
 Due to insufficient power may split hair ends, and become unruly combing even break in the middle of its length. If you want to grow long hair, keep it as vitamins and minerals.

Even the most fashionable hairstyle is unlikely to look stylish and neat, if your hair is weak and dull. Styling and blow-drying depletes health and energy. Restore tired hair will also help nourishing mask.

Composition of eggs and vegetable oil will return vitality and shine. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. It is desirable to use such means, PH level is less than 5.5. Then it will be acidic and will balance the water flow, which contains much alkali. Degrease hair, wash residues styling products and impurities, start cooking healing composition.

Break the egg, separate the protein. Mix egg yolk with a tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil. When components are connected in a uniform consistency, put it on his head. A little massage, rubbing the composition, and leave it for half an hour. Then rinse with cool water. For best results, do not use a hairdryer. Let hair dry naturally.

This mask is still more suitable for normal hair, it restores them well throughout. But if you have oily or dry, choose another tool, which will be considered a feature of your type.

For oily hair nutrition is just as important as for the dry. Connect equally aloe juice, honey and lemon juice. Crush 1 clove of garlic and add to the mixture. Good rub into the roots, put a shower cap on your head and wrap a towel.

After 40 minutes, it's time to wash off the mask. Use plenty of running water and repeat the procedure after three days.

If your hair is dry, they need intensive nutrition. Prepare an assembly of one egg, two tablespoons of castor oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply on the head. Massage it a little bit, stimulating blood circulation, and spread throughout the length of mush.

Cover the top of cellophane and warmed using iron towel. After half an hour rinse composition using your normal shampoo. Enough to make such a mask 1-2 times a week, depending on the degree of dryness of the hair.

Keep in mind that the funds necessary to rinse with lukewarm water, closer to cool. If you have sensitive skin of the head, and you can not tolerate this temperature, wash with warm, but in the end be sure to rinse your hair with cool water.

Tags: hair, pets, condition, mask, care