How to strengthen the lashes and prevent hair loss

How to strengthen the lashes and prevent hair loss
 Long and fluffy eyelashes - the dream of many women. In his youth, eyelashes grow strong and sturdy in themselves. But as soon as she begins to use decorative cosmetics, especially mascara, eyelash state each year noticeably worse. They begin to fall more than usual, grow weak and thin.

To preserve the natural beauty and splendor of the eyelashes, which makes feminine look unique, you need to take care of them and constantly strengthened.

Pay attention to makeup for the eyes. If you use cheap ink of poor quality, it will soon affect the state of the eyelashes. Do not skimp on beauty. Now you can buy a good, high-quality cosmetics at a reasonable price.

It is better if the mascara will not only increase the volume and give them a bend, but take care of them. Choose a mascara with vitamins caring complex and natural oils. During the week, or at least on days off, let's take a break from makeup eyelashes. Do not paint them, so they become stronger.

Excellent strengthen lashes and improve their appearance special vitamin eyelash conditioners for industrial production. In the structure they have a cosmetic oil, natural herbal extracts, essential vitamins, caring and protective components.

You can cook your own eyelash conditioner. To do this, wash the old brush of mascara - it will you apply conditioner.

In a dark glass bottle, mix the following cosmetic oil: castor, almond, burdock. Add to the mix 2-3 drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E, shake the vial and place it in the refrigerator.

Apply nourishing conditioner for lashes daily at bedtime. 2 weeks of regular use eyelashes will become stronger and stronger, enhance the growth of new cilia.

Prevent loss of eyelashes warm compresses on the eyes. Tea compresses strengthen lashes and make them darker. Also useful gadgets from decoctions of herbs such as cornflower, chamomile, sage, eyebright. Lotions can do every night before to put air conditioning. Soaking them in front of need 5-10 minutes.

If you do not have time to make concoctions of herbs you can use for lotions drinking of tea bags without flavorings. These gadgets are also very good for the skin around the eyes.

Causing a nourishing cream on the eyelids, lubricate them well and eyelashes, there are a lot of nutrients that will strengthen them.

Do not forget to remove eye make-up before going to bed. For the state of the eyes and eyelashes are very harmful not been wiped go to bed with makeup.

Tags: eyelash care, loss