How to remove dandruff

How to remove dandruff
 Beautiful well-groomed hair - a real jewel. That's just sometimes the hair and shoulders covered with white scales, which is not enough that unpleasant to look at, but also harmful to the health of hair. This dandruff - a serious problem that requires urgent action.
 First of all, you need to understand the reasons that cause dandruff. Among them are: poor diet, poor quality hair care, chronic illness, stress.

There are two types of dandruff: dry and greasy. Dry outwardly manifested by the fact that the cells of the scalp begin to die faster and flaking, peeling off white scales. For oily dandruff flakes stick together and form on the surface of the head unkempt coat, because of which impairs breathing and skin nourishment. Depending on what type of dandruff you, and you need to choose a method of treatment.

Most people try to solve the problem immediately buying anti-dandruff shampoo. But you need to conduct a comprehensive treatment because cosmetics can deal only with appearances. As soon cease to use it, the dandruff will return.

So first you have to pay attention to hair care. May make mistakes that lead to overdrying skin too hot water when washing, substandard placing means, improper hair drying, dry air in the room or stay in the sun with her head uncovered.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is a balanced diet. Hard diet very negative impact on the condition of the hair, however, and abuse the sweet, spicy, fatty, too, do not need, it is better for the treatment to eliminate such products. Pay attention to fruits and vegetables, high-grade protein products that will help restore hair health and beauty. Be sure to get rid of bad habits.

As an external means to combat dandruff is necessary to find the right medicated shampoo. Pay attention to its components, it must be zinc, sulfur, tar, salicylic acid to help exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. Be sure to use the healing and nourishing products for hair care: masks, balms, herbal infusions.

Home remedies can be just as effective. This mask of black bread, yogurt, onion juice and honey. When rinsing is added to water a few drops of essential oils of tea tree, juniper or geranium. Or you can use for this nettle, linden, chamomile, burdock root.

And remember, to quickly deal with dandruff does not work, the process may take one to two months.

Tags: skin, hair, care