In the presence of individual sensitivity must be prepared for the fact that the skin may appear small rash or soreness.
There are many popular ways to help lighten the hair on my arms. 10% hydrogen peroxide is used for bleaching hair sparse. They should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of peroxide, pre-dilute a small amount of ammonia.
You can try to apply perhydrol, which is stronger solution of hydrogen peroxide. It must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1:10. Compress with a solution is applied to a couple of hours every day until such time as the hair is not discolored, and a few more days to secure the effect.
The pharmacy you can buy about 10 g of anhydrous lanolin, about 6 g perhydrol, half a gram antifebrin and 20 g of petroleum jelly and cook a special ointment for bleaching hair. If you apply this mixture for a long time, the hair will become brittle, and soon will begin to lighten may simply disappear. Ointment independently composed of these components may not be suitable for everyone, since it is not specifically designed for professionals ointment treatments lighten hair. More reliable to use funds in which precisely calculated proportions of chemicals, and the likelihood of overdose excluded.
A simple folk remedy for lightening hair is camomile tea. Take 100 g of dried chamomile flowers, fill them with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, a lot put on your hands, hold a couple of hours. Rinse with water.