Henna for Hair

Henna for Hair
 Modern woman often changes the image. Mainly, it does so by changing the hairstyle or hair color. Chemicals for staining adversely affect the structure of the hair, which leads to damage, dryness, dandruff, brittleness and other problems. The hair look good and be healthy, you can strengthen them with natural masks and use natural dyes to give shade.

The most popular natural dye - henna. This plant, which is made of powder coloring hair. With henna can give curls many shades - from golden to dark brown. If you mix henna with coffee or basmoj, you can get darker colors - brown and even black.

By its action henna is very useful for hair. It strengthens them, gives volume and strength. After staining henna hair become more luxuriant, increasing their shine and strength.

If you do not want to dye your hair using henna, use it as looking after and strengthens hair mask. For this fit a colorless henna.

Do not use henna too often. It is better to make a mask 1-2 times a month. With frequent use of henna can weight the hair, they become stiff, unruly, dry. The same goes for coloring - it should be done every 1, 5 months, as regrowth of roots. To freshen up the color in between colorations - rinse hair after washing with water, which dissolves a small amount of henna powder.

Henna for coloring masks and prepared as follows: - pour the powder into a plastic bowl and pour boiling water. Mix thoroughly. Henna is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. After that, it cooled in the form of heat is applied to the head, carefully rubbing the roots and then distributing hair.

If applied henna as a dye for convenience staining using a brush. Then carefully paint over the strand by strand. Once all the hair will be in the mix should be massaged them to paint all the strands evenly.

As a mask henna hold on the hair for 30 minutes under a warm hood. Staining also takes from 15 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the desired result. The longer the henna is on the hair, the darker and richer get their color.

When the time henna hair thoroughly rinsed with warm water. Thereafter the hair conditioner is applied and then washed with water. Then the hair is well combed.

In the mask from henna, you can add a variety of cosmetic oils for therapeutic gain effekta.Masla give hair softness and restore moisture balance in their structure.

In the henna dye can also be added oil (olive, almond, coconut, grape seed, peach). If you want a bright red color, henna does not brew water and yogurt. Kefir is first necessary to bring to a boil.

To get a darker shade, add 2-3 tablespoons henna coffee or mix henna with basma in 1: 1 ratio.

For all its beneficial effect on the hair, Henna has its disadvantages. Henna is so much common with hair that wash her out of it is almost impossible. So if you decide after henna painted ordinary paint, you have to cut the hair, dyed with natural dyes that because painting hair after using henna can lead to unexpected results.

Tags: hair acid, henna property staining