Horror and myths hair extensions
Where are the hair extensions, care of the fair sex are not in vain. Online rumors emerge and spread quickly, so many forums and websites are full of unseen horrors. For example, to build hair taken from the morgue. If you consider that your hair absorb all the information about a person and his genetic code, the consequences of increasing hair unpredictable.
Especially those fantasies frighten very impressionable young ladies who like many programs about paranormal phenomena.
The second version is also not particularly pleasant: Hair Extensions come from psychiatric hospitals and prisons. Of course, these sites are significantly different from the previous one. But the girls learned about this method of obtaining the material certainly think seriously about whether to build up their hair.
Call these rumors unfounded impossible. The fact that there and there girls shaved scalp. In psychiatric hospitals and prisons (to be exact - in jail), this procedure is carried out for the safety of patients and prisoners.
Real ways of production of materials for building
Hair Extensions acquired perfectly legal way - to buy them in girls and women who have decided to part with his hair. The main "suppliers" are a resident of India, Eastern European countries and Asia. Girls who decide to sell hair, often come from very poor families. Hair becomes their only wealth. To "earn" more money for the hair being careful care.
In addition, there are organizations in India, where girls and women bring their hair "as a gift."
Hair extension is necessary that the materials have been thoroughly processed, so the girls can not be afraid of a strange aura. First strand thoroughly disinfected, color, washed several times and left to dry in a high temperature. Further there is a procedure for giving shine - covering hair silicon or silicon. What Naroscheny hair brings negative consequences - just a myth.
Hair, processed in Russia, considered the best in the world. Therefore, the Russian girls just do not be afraid of bad karma.
The most popular among buyers enjoy the hair strands Slavic type. They are best kept on the head, have a fine structure. Such hair easier to style after extension. Rent them girls who had decided to turn on the ads "Buy hair" not only in Russia but also in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova.