Eat germinated wheat - a very useful product that enhances hair growth, improves its structure, makes your hair thicker and healthier. Germinated grains you can own - wash them, soak in a low saucer filled with water and cover with gauze. Wait until the first shoots grow a couple of inches, and then use them for food.
Hair may fall out because they do not have enough water, so be careful how much fluid you drink. Prefer pure water (up to two liters a day), fresh juices and green tea.
Stimulate the circulation of the scalp will help regular massage. Make circular movements, slowly treat the entire area of the head, sometimes sip tufts of hair, taking them into a fist. Massage will be doubly useful if you greased the scalp Burdock oil with a small amount of red pepper - pepper warms the tissue, increasing the flow of blood and oil "cures" the structure of the hair and nourishes the skin.
Any mask (ready and prepared yourself) will help restore hair density. Onion and garlic mask, although they have a sharp specific smell, but extremely powerful - Mix crushed mass with egg yolk, add honey and bran and apply on the scalp, distributing part of all hair. Hair should cover polyethylene and wrap a towel. After half an hour of exposure to wash away the mask, wash the head with warm water and shampoo and hair rinse one of the herbal infusions. Herbal infusions are prepared as follows: brewed with boiling water oak bark, dry chamomile, hops or nettles, soak for about an hour to cool. Such perfusion is useful to do after each shampooing.