Hair mask of blue clay

Hair mask of blue clay
 To care for their hair is better to use natural products and substances. Hair mask of blue clay has enjoyed Cleopatra - is not an example to follow! Excellent tool helps patients hair and healthy makes luxury.
 Blue clay and hair masks based on it will help not only women, but will not be superfluous and for men suffering from alopecia. Minerals that make up the blue clay restore hair structure and give them extra food. Strengthens not only the hair, but their roots nourished scalp. Cells are activated, which accelerates the growth of hair, making them stronger and shinier. Such masks perfectly absorb all dirt and grease, and their regular use is able to save you from dandruff and normalize the sebaceous glands.

The mask of blue clay for oily hair

Clay dilute with warm boiled water until the consistency of sour cream. The mixture was put on a clean damp hair, massaging the roots and distributed over the entire length. Wrap plastic hair cap and towel, keep the mask for 1 hour and rinse with warm water. If you do not want to make the hair too dry, then apply a jojoba oil or burdock oil for 10-15 minutes.

Mask to strengthen roots and good hair growth

Blue clay, mix with beaten egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of honey and butter. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. For oily hair do the same mask, but with castor oil instead of butter. Keep the mask on your hair you need 30-40 minutes.

Mask to get rid of dandruff and chic shine

Prepare a decoction of nettles, and they dilute the blue clay, add 2 hours. L. apple cider vinegar and egg yolk. Keep the mask on your hair for one hour and rinse with warm water.

Hard water is not very suitable for rinsing hair - salts contained in it, are deposited on the hair and make them brittle. Such water is better to boil and leave to settling salts. Water softener can add to it one teaspoon of baking soda per liter.

Tags: hair, mask, makeup, Blue