I wonder what you need to know and be able to the girl who wants to build a hairstyle in the style of Sarah Jessica Parker? First of all, the fair sex should be of medium length, wavy hair, and everything else can be done most.
From the outset, it is necessary well to wash your hair - hairstyle is perfect for a clean, slightly dried hair. Then the whole mass of hair should be divided into four equal parts, in strict accordance with their direction and parting. In order to secure the separated parts of the hair, you can lock them with special pins.
Then separated strands of hair wound on the curlers in the center, for high-quality lock can use intended for this tool. It is very important to make a perm without removing the pins from the strands.
Thereafter, each of the stranded need to dry cold air for fifteen - twenty minutes. Only then you can remove the retaining clips.
The resulting curls need to disassemble your hands and give them the right amount, a little whipping them with your fingers. After all the manipulations curls fixed using a gel that is applied to the entire length of the hair.
To the ends of the hair in the hair were obedient, you can apply a special product directly to them.
Before you start waving need to look at yourself in the mirror, which reflects a person full size. Facilities hairstyle must approach all images of women, it should be in harmony with makeup and clothes.
Equally important are the size of curls, their density and clarity of curls. If a girl is not skinny, she is better suited big natural curls. Miniature enchantress can afford any perm - from large to small curls and elastic springs hair.