Brandy mask against hair loss

Brandy mask against hair loss
 Health and beauty of hair is needed nutrition. Most of the nutrients supplied it with food. But, unfortunately, not everyone comes to the hair bulb. However, this can be corrected with a mask of cognac. It promotes the expansion of blood vessels, improving blood supply of the roots, and thus the flow of them all is needed to strengthen and hair growth.  
 Mask of cognac is a good tool that stimulates hair growth and strengthens the roots. Therefore, if the strands are noticeably thin, it is worth to use it regularly. Cognac has vasodilating properties, which ensures good blood flow to the hair follicles. And because it is the blood received vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and all the rest, it turns out that the mask of cognac favors this process.

After the mask of cognac strand becomes elastic, smooth, get healthy shine and beautiful color. But do not use it often, as present in this drink alcohol defat the skin and cause dryness and flaking. To care for the shock of hair is not over and tarnish the appearance of dandruff, it is enough to strengthen the hair cognac 1-2 times a month.

Cognac is too much product to use it masked as an independent means. Is much more useful to combine it with other components. For oily hair - with yogurt, lemon juice, egg white. For dry - with vegetable oil, egg yolk. For normal - with carrot juice, egg yolk, honey and herbs. In relation to the other ingredients of cognac must be present in the minority - not more than 6-8 drops per 2 tbsp. l. total mixture.

Since the mask of brandy is an alcohol, it can only be used before washing the head. Then it will not cause dryness and flaking of the skin. It must be applied from root to tip. After 15-20 minutes, the hair should be washed with water, shampoo and rinse pre-cooked broth nettle or birch buds. If soon after application there was a strong burning sensation, should immediately wash off the mask, and next time be sure to combine the brandy with vegetable oil. This will help reduce skin sensitivity to alcohol.

Tags: hair growth, cognac, loss, dryness, strengthening, leather, mask, peeling