Looks very elegant braid, braided in the spike. To do this, comb hair down. Separate the hair piece at a distance of 5 cm from crown to nape and braid spike. Strands remaining on the right side, comb and braid with podpletom to spit. So does the hair on the left side. Then the central spit Pin small studs two side braids. All ends complete your beautiful barrette.
Comb all the hair back. On the crown separate small strands from both sides and twisting them so as to obtain a mesh. All places weave decorate small beads. Begin to weave braid to the right temple, podpletaya hair to the left. This braid fasten at the temples and paint the small flowers.
Originally looks spit-cap. For its creation, comb hair brush. Separate area on top of a radius of 3 cm. From the top begins to weave a normal braid. Right hand start podpletat small clumps and dopletayte them to the main queue. Thus whipping across the head in a circular motion from the center of the crown. Upon completion of the end of the braid hide under lock and secure with pins.
For special occasions can braid plait-snake. Take the right side of his temple strand of hair and braid them into a normal braid. For each of the following add on a new strand braids always with the left side of the left ear. Then change direction and do podplet spit spit on the right side, and so continue.
Today there are many different types of braids. A little practice, you can easily braid even the most complex.