Homemade shampoos in its action is not worse than the ones you buy in the store. And in many ways, even better than them. After all, they are made exclusively from natural products that fortifying effect on the roots and refresh oily hair, give them a sense of cleanliness throughout the day.
There are many recipes home shampoos for oily hair. It only remains to choose the one recipe that is most suitable for your curls.
Mustard Shampoo
This is one of the easiest and fastest to prepare home shampoos for oily hair. This shampoo not only cleanse oily hair from pollution, but also enhance their growth, strengthens the roots, give shock of hair volume.
In 2 liters of warm boiled water stir 1 tablespoon dry mustard powder. Wash your hair this shampoo for 5-7 minutes, carefully massaging the scalp. Then thoroughly rinse your hair with water.
Oak shampoo
Decoction of oak bark has long been used to combat the increased sebum secretion of the scalp. Oak decoction makes oily hair beautiful and silky. Broth oak bark can be used both as a shampoo or as a rinse.
Preparing oak shampoo rinse as follows: pour a liter of water 4 tablespoons oak bark. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and cook the crust for 5 minutes. The cooled broth is ready for use.
Rye shampoo
Rye bread is excellent strengthens greasy hair, restores damaged cuticle, removes impurities from the hair.
Soak a piece of rye bread in 1/4 cup of water. Add to it 1 tbsp dry mustard powder. Shampoo wash hair, carefully rubbing it into the roots of the hair. You can leave it on the hair for 10 minutes to allow the hair roots absorbed more nutrients.
Corn shampoo
Mix 1 tablespoon corn flour and 1 tsp sea salt. Put the dry mixture to the hair roots, and then rinse your hair with warm water.
Egg shampoo
This shampoo gives glare greasy hair, make hair more healthy and silky. Mix 3 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons broth of hop cones, 1 tablespoon cognac. Shampoo, you can not just wash your hair, but also to use as a nourishing mask.
Lemon shampoo
Mix the juice of half a lemon 1 tbsp vodka, 1 tsp almond oil and egg yolk. Wash your hair with shampoo so if you need to not only refresh their appearance, but also give them smoothness, shine and softness.
Clay shampoo.
This shampoo is great struggles with high fat content of hair. Mix 2 tablespoons white clay with 1 tbsp. decoction of horsetail. Also useful for oily hair mask weekly from white clay.