Dullness of hair may be indicative of a lack of body substances such as iodine, silicon, zinc and sulfur. Without enough of these minerals none masks for hair supply will not help.
Sources of iodine are fish, so for those who want to restore the health of the hair need to dishes of sea fish present at the table at least twice a week. Sulfur contained in the radish, legumes, onions, cabbage, lean meats and fish eggs. Zinc is present in milk, eggs, nuts, beans, pumpkin seeds, kelp. Silicon can be found in the green nettle and dandelion, apples, grapes, almonds, beets, sunflower seeds, onions. Only a handful of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and nuts can provide daily rate of almost all of these necessary for health.
To organize meals for hair growth, requires use more proteins contained not only in foods of animal origin, but also the plant. It's eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, soybeans, beans.
The key to success - is the proper amount of liquid. It helps to normalize the metabolism and makes alive and shiny curls. In daily use requires not less than two liters of pure water normal.
Beauty Hair is impossible without the proper amount of vitamins. The first is vitamin A, so the carrot is useful not only for the view. In the dish of carrots need to add a drop of oil, sour cream or cream, as vitamin A is absorbed in this combination is much better. Another source of vitamin - egg yolk. Increase the amount of this vitamin in the body can be by receiving fish oil capsules.
Next beauty vitamin present in citrus fruits, red currant, wild rose, and most fruits and vegetables. This vitamin C, improves metabolism. If organize nutrition for hair too hard, you should take special vitamins.
Diet for healthy hair requires to observe certain restrictions. Hair does not like excess caffeine and alcohol, which contribute to the removal of vitamin C.
When combined with proper nutrition regular care noticeable result can be achieved in a couple of months. Hair will be more smooth and accelerate their growth.