How to wash your hair with bread

How to wash your hair with bread
 If you talk to our grandmothers, we can learn from them simple and effective beauty secrets. Because their young in those days, when the shelves were not such a variety of cosmetic products, as they are now. For example, did you know that hair can be washed well with a regular bread?
 To use this method, you'll need the usual black rye bread. Take fragrant loaf and remove her crust. Her you can spread butter and eat when you are done shampooing. The bread must be broken into pieces and put into a convenient plastic container. This can be an ordinary bowl or container.

Put the kettle on the fire and wait until the water boils. Cool slightly and pour it cooked bread. Your future shampoo is almost ready, it is only necessary to cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap to tighten. We'll have to wait a little longer, until the bread brew. Suffice it for 15-20 minutes.

By the way, do not soak the whole loaf at once. After all, if you have short hair, you will need no more than one large piece (chunk). If you - the owner of long hair, it is not worth saving. Feel free to soak all the bread.

So, the time allotted for the preparation of "shampoo", passed. You need to remove the cover, knead bread, until the condition of slurry and filter through a large sieve. No need to pour slime, it is still useful.

If you want your bread shampoo smelled nice, you can add a favorite essential oil. Just a little. You can wash your hair! Put cooked weight on your hair, wash them in the same way as regular shampoo and rinse. Rinse hair thoroughly, otherwise you risk leaving hair fine crumbs. It's time to take advantage of zhizhitsey - she had to lubricate the hair, wait about five minutes and rinse.

Rinse your hair and rinse them with water, which added the lemon juice. The proportion of rinse aid - one lemon to 2 liters of water. Dry the hair naturally. If you used a hairdryer, make the air is not too hot.

It's very simple and inexpensive. If you did not use all the bread, put it in the fridge until the next time. By the way, it is possible to dry, so you get the foundation for "shampoo". Keep crackers in a bag made of cotton fabric.

Tags: hair, bread, washing