How to strengthen the health of the hair in the offseason

How to strengthen the health of the hair in the offseason
 In the offseason, the hair suffer from temperature extremes. They either become dry, brittle, or, conversely, the sebaceous glands begin to work hard, and hair quickly get dirty. Strengthen health shag can be at home.
 Pay attention to your diet: what you take in food, reflected in the appearance of your hair. If they are cut, and the precipitate became dry in large quantities, they do not have enough power. Therefore, include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and trace elements. Lean on fruits, herbs and vegetables several times a week, eat fatty fish. Perhaps you should take a multivitamin complexes about this talk to your doctor.

In addition to the food inside, exhausted and hair needs special care. Several times a week should be "fed" through nutrient masks. For example, a mask of egg yolk returns the hair shine and strength. Take 1 tbsp olive oil and honey, mix well and connect with one yolk. Apply the mixture to clean hair, cover film, top Insulate towel. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

Women with hair in the off-season start to get dirty quickly become dull and untidy, too, need to pay attention to nutrition. Do not abuse food, rich in carbohydrates - sweet, flour, potatoes.

Do not wash your greasy hair too hot or cold water. The most optimum temperature - 35-45 ° C is. After washing, rinse the head of decoctions and infusions of herbs. Best suited for this type of hair calendula, field horsetail, chamomile, Sophora japonica, nettle. Returns hair a healthy shine infusion of lemon and orange peels.

Several times a week to do a hydrating mask of yogurt. It helps to regulate the activity of sebaceous glands, makes the hair healthy and strong. Slightly warm 2-3 tablespoons yogurt, connect it to the 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture on your head. Cover the head with foil and top with a towel. After half an hour massage your scalp for 2-3 minutes and then rinse your hair with warm water.

Tags: hair, health, offseason