The mask of oatmeal. To prepare the masks need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Thereafter, mix it with warm water until the condition of slurry. The mixture thus should have a uniform consistency. Then apply the product to the hair along the entire length. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
Mask on the basis of black bread. Mash hands black bread, then mix it with mineral water. The mixture was massaged into the hair for ten minutes, then washed them well.
Dairy mask. Mix half a cup of warmed milk, one egg and two tablespoons of flour from buckwheat. Spread the mask over the length of the hair, wrap head with a towel and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse off the mask.
Very effective in combating the problems of thin hair is burdock. It must be applied to the hair, then wrap your head with a towel and hold for an hour. After the third or fourth application, you will notice improvement in the appearance of your hair.
We should also mention the masks of blue and white clay. Blue activates blood circulation, has antiseptic properties and increases metabolism in the skin cells, which ultimately leads to the strengthening and growth of hair. It is noticed that most prone to balding men with thin hair, and that blue clay has established itself as a proven remedy for baldness, which was used for this purpose for many centuries.
White clay has in its composition elements such as magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and nitrogen. Thanks to the rich content of microelements white clay has regenerative properties that restore and improve the structure of the hair.
A large impact on fine hair has a drying process. Proper use of a hair dryer can give the necessary volume to thin hair, not harm them. Dry thin hair needs from head-to-face, using a soft brush. The air dryer must not be hot, the best option would be the flow of cool air.