Increased oiliness of hair and scalp can be caused by several factors: climate change, stress disorders in the activity of the endocrine system, disease, improper care. Even unhealthy diet and various bad habits can cause oily hair.
To reduce the fat content of hair, of course, it is best to first consult a doctor, endocrinologist. He found not related whether the increased activity of the sebaceous glands with disturbances in hormonal background and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.
If all is good health, you may want to pay attention to how you care for your hair. Maybe, improper care and is the cause of oily hair. When choosing a shampoo is necessary to take into account that it should not only clean the hair, but also give them a therapeutic effect.
Since the sebaceous glands so work very actively in the shampoo for oily hair should be as small as possible a variety of nutrients, otherwise, the hair will become dirty more quickly. Therefore, give preference to light and transparent shampoo, such as hue indicates a minimum content of nutrients.
It is also desirable that the pH of the shampoo for greasy hair was neutral to not disturbed balance hydrolipid scalp. Shampoo should not desiccate the skin of the head - it can amplify the sebaceous glands.
It is best to choose herbal shampoos. Reduce sebum help herbs such as oak bark, sage, nettle, coltsfoot, juniper and others. So buy shampoos, which include extracts of these plants. Also help oily hair products that contain zinc, seaweed extract, vitamins A and C.