In the rubric Aromatherapy: Essential oils for face
Usingessential oils You can get rid of many problems, and procedures will bring a double benefit - and help the hair and soothe a pleasant aroma.
One of the most common problems - dandruff. White flakes are formed due to the fact that for various reasons, too skin cells quickly die and stuck together. On the formation of dandruff can be affected by many factors, but one thing is clear - a phenomenon very unpleasant. Besides dandruff can also be accompanied by pruritus, which makes your life unbearable. And this problem is not only fat, but also for dry hair. If this is just your case, try the following recipes.
Essential oils for oily hair
1. Mix a couple of drops of lemon, geranium, bergamot, lavender and a drop of tea tree oil. This and other compounds can be added into shampoo, hair masks, balms, or simply water rinsing.
2. Add two drops of eucalyptus oil 4 drops of thyme and rosemary. For best effect, you can mix them with infusions of hypericum and oak bark.
3. Mix 3 drops of lemon and lemon balm.
4. Do cedar oil massage - 5 drops per 10 g of olive oil.
Essential oils for dry hair
1. To one drop of tea tree oil add two drops of bergamot, geranium and rosemary.
2. Take 2 drops of geranium and lemon, add 3 drops of lavender and mix with infusions cottonweed and chamomile.
In the fight against dandruff for any skin great help cypress oil, cistus, Melissa.
Tostrengthen and supply of hair Add a few drops of the usual means calamus oil. Excellent tool -oil of nutmeg. Suffice it to 1 drop of 30 g of your shampoo.
All of these tools to improve blood circulation, skin breath, prevent early cell death.
Very often, poor diet, fatigue, stress leads tohair lossWhich can easily result inbaldness. In this case, you should pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and consult a doctor about taking iron supplements. But in parallel with this will be superfluous and some beauty treatments.
Essential oils from hair loss
1. It will help stop the mixture of nettle infusion with the addition of pine oil, rosemary, lavender (2 drops), geranium and thyme (1 drop).
2. You can also add in shampoo or hair mask eucalyptus, cedar, chamomile, ginger, ylang-ylang, cypress.
3. alopecia useful head massage with oil of ylang-ylang with vegetable oil or a 5-15% aqueous emulsion. From the same defect will help massage and mask with oil of calamus.
4. Bergamot oil is an excellent tool to combat vitiligo and alopecia areata.
In the heat of the summer due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and air pollution might be a littlepimples and sores scalp. Cure them and help rinse the mask with lavender, lemon, laurel.
Of laurel oil can make application, cook for 20-30% of the mixture with olive or corn oil.
Regardless of the type of your hair is in need of food.Essential Oils for Hair in this case added to the nutrient mask water rinse shampoo.
If you have oily hair you should wash them often quality shampoo, water used for this purpose cool, dry the hair dryer in a cold mode and make a gentle massage of the head daily.
Tooily hair fit cedar oil, lemon balm, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, thyme, kayaputa, cypress, rosemary. They podsushat skin and give hair a healthy look.
Todry hairalso requires special care. Every day is applied to them a special tool, and certainly before washing smazh olive oil that protects the skin from drying out. For straightening and nutrient compresses good use almond oil.
thin and dull hair Apply theessential oilsmyrrh, sandalwood, sweet and bitter orange, ylang-ylang, mandarin, Cistus, chamomile, grape seed. These tools will give hair strength and healthy shine.
Remember that the problem with the hair can be a sign of some serious illness. Therefore, if the process has gone too far, and no funds do not improve the situation, it is best to consult a doctor. Well, if your troubles are temporary, the nerves, for example, or from the change of the season, then you can safely experiment, not forgetting, however, contraindications and strict dosage.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady