External and internal condition of the hair reflects the state of the organism as a whole. As a mirror of processes taking place inside the hair brittle fault signal, abundant precipitation, loss of gloss, changes in the level salovydeleniya. The exact cause of hair loss in each case can be said laboratory tests hair.
Men most often the cause of this phenomenon is unfavorable heredity. If the family are all bald male relatives to 30 years, then you need to prepare for what has not changed: to complete or partial baldness. Someone begins to vigorously fight it, rubbing various ointments, someone seriously considering hair transplantation, and someone just when the first high temple begins to shave his head bald.
The most common causes of hair loss in women: hormonal failure and the state of stress. If the duration of such factors is not constant, the composition and structure of the hair recovers quickly, and the place of lost hair grow new ones.
Another group of reasons, equally affecting women and men - unfavorable environmental conditions, exposure to radiation, cancer chemotherapy. The probability and extent of hair loss depends on the extent and time of exposure of these factors on the organism.
Diseases of the skin of the head, such as dermatitis, seborrhea can cause hair loss. In diseases such disturbed normal food hair follicles. Lost power supply, hair dries and breaks off easily.
Wrong hair care, choice of means that are not suitable for your hair type, frequent and continuous use of elastic bands for hair, wearing tight hats,
Regular styling and blow-drying - all this leads to the loss of hair elasticity and vitality, they break easily.
In each case, the treatment of hair will be his. The most difficult to cure baldness (alopecia) due to a genetic predisposition. In this case, virtually the only opportunity - hair transplantation. Procedure is expensive and not all shown. All other causes can be eliminated, and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of recovery thick hair.