For those who only picks up the line of care products, it is useful to know some interesting facts about hair.
Length and density of hair
Grow hair begins before birth, approximately 4-5 months of fetal development. Growth continues throughout life, sometimes you can hear the theory that for some time after the death of hair is also growing. However, most physicians believe that here we are talking only about the visual sense, as the body shrinks, while the length of the hair remains the same, creating the illusion of growth. The average growth rate of hair varies in the range of 1 cm per month. Therefore, for the year they become longer by 12 cm. The longest hair grows from representatives of the Mongoloid race, and the shortest - in Negroid. Limit growth in each person, there is a theory that more than a meter, hair can not grow back, but it denies the champion of Thailand, whose hair is longer than 5 meters are considered to be the longest in the world.
Density of hairstyle depends on the frequency location of the hair follicles. Therefore, the myths that can make hair thicker by masks groundless. Yes, masks and other drugs can improve the structure and prevent the loss, but to make the hair more luxuriant they are unlikely to succeed. The life of the hair is different, men phase of 2-3 years, women - twice as long.
Hair loss
In the world there are more than 300,000 of funds to combat with this cosmetic defect. No disease can not boast of so many drugs for its treatment. Loss within 100 hairs per day is considered the norm, with a larger number should see a specialist. In most cases, the problem experienced by men as they hair bulbs located beneath the skin of 2 mm higher than in women. Among the causes of hair loss is often called a hereditary tendency. Unfortunately, despite numerous treatments for baldness, in some cases, can only help the hair transplant. In addition, a universal way to prevent loss and not invented.
Hair Care
To extend their life, it is necessary not only to take care of hair from the outside, but also to eat inside. Harmful products, stress, a poor environment - all this has a negative effect on the condition of the hair. Wanting to learn interesting facts about the hair, it must be remembered that is too hot or cold water to wash them not to your taste, as well as styling with a hair dryer.