Nourishing mask for light hair

Nourishing mask for light hair
 Blonde hair need special care, especially if they resisted staining - a procedure in which substantially alters their structure. To care for blond hair using special hydrating mask, which can make yourself at home.
 To regain its former luster blond hair, apply the following means: 200 g of milk mixed with 400 g of chamomile broth and add six drops of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is applied on the washed hair and left for ten minutes, and then rinsed with plenty of warm water.

The same effect can be achieved if the curls cause chamomile broth, and then put on his head a rubber cap or plastic bag and warm on top of a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

To improve the structure of the hair and the color of their alignment (this applies to dyed hair) make honey mask. First, wash your hair with shampoo for blonde hair, to which is added a pinch of baking soda, then dried locks are applied to these liquid honey and cover the top with plastic wrap. After nine o'clock honey mask wash off with warm water.

Accelerate hair growth and helps improve skin condition onion mask. To make this cosmetic, mix 2 tablespoons onion juice with the same amount of castor oil. Rub mixture into the scalp, and after half an hour rinse with sufficient amount of warm water with shampoo.

A similar effect can be achieved with a mask consisting of the following components: 2 tbsp onion juice and the same amount of warm water, and 1 tsp castor oil, and dried yeast. First, yeast is diluted with warm water for ten minutes, and thereafter the oil and juice. Mush is rubbed into the scalp, left for ten minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.

In addition, you can lighten your hair using lemon, but this tool should not be used in dry type curls, because lemon can be very dry up hair. For the preparation of this rinse the juice from half a lemon dissolved in one liter of boiled, cooled water.

Tags: hair, recipe, blonde, mask