Very often when lightening hair a yellow tinge to avoid it, you should choose the type of paint ashy blonde. But note that if your natural hair color dark - once painted in white you will not leave. Require a preliminary clarification.
You can use hydrogen peroxide for brightening hair. Or to achieve results through a variety of clarifiers are sold in stores.
If you decide to use hydrogen peroxide, it should first define the desired concentration of solution which can be applied to the hair. If you are thin, then take a solution of 4-8%, the average thickness of the hair destained with a solution of 6-12%, and strong thick - solution of 8-12%. Amount of the solution depends on the length of your hair. Add a few drops of peroxide, ammonia and liquid soap. Please note that it is necessary to add soap, shampoo is not recommended. Prepare the solution should be in an enamel or porcelain ware, metal container can not be used as it can oxidize a solution.
At clarification be sure to wear protective gloves on your hands and the skin around the hair greased fat cream. Apply the solution with a special brush with synthetic bristles. Start with the back of the head. First treat the ends of the hair, not reaching the roots of about 2 cm. The hair roots are processed only when re-applying means for clarification. If your hair is too dark, then they will have to clarify a few times. Take a break between treatments for seven to ten days.
Agents should be washed with warm water using alkaline soap and then rinse with acidified water. You can use a few drops of citric acid or vinegar.