So, if you decide to make the hairs on the body less noticeable using bleaching must adhere to certain rules. But if you've never alone does not discolour hair, you know that this procedure is not only complex, but also quite dangerous. Improper conduct the procedure may cause severe irritation or burns. Therefore, if you are not confident in their abilities, it is better to apply to a beauty salon and entrust discolor body hair specialist.
When independent procedure should remember that bleaching compositions before use should be tested for the ability to use. To do this, drop means that you want to use, apply to inner fold of the elbow, hold a minute and rinse. If the skin only slight redness - feel free to use makeup, but if the treated area was covered with a rash, itching or strongly appeared what that negative symptoms - means it is better not to use.
Apply bleaches only on clean skin. Skin after cleansing wipe need more lotion to close the pores of the skin.
It is impossible for bleaching hair, if there is a wound on the skin, acne or irritation. Have to wait for their complete healing.
Apply lightening agents need a special brush or spatula, and after bleaching sure to lubricate the skin moisturizer.
Now on sale there are many brightening pastes, creams, gels. You must select them according to the type of skin and hair, and strictly follow the enclosed instructions.
The most common "home" method, with which you can discolor your own hair on the body, is the use of hydrogen peroxide. For the preparation of the bleaching composition should be thoroughly mix the two dessert spoons of blue clay with one spoon of 20% hydrogen peroxide, add 5-7 drops of ammonia. This composition is applied for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.