How to care for hair extensions

How to care for hair extensions
 Hair extension technology made possible the acquisition of hairstyles of any length and thickness. But to keep lush and voluminous shapes, you need to properly take care of the increased strands, make an adjustment every 3 months.
 Combing hair Naroscheny need carefully, preferably a comb made of natural materials and with a few teeth. Comb them no more than three times a day, starting with the tips, gradually moving up, hold the roots to minimize their drawing. Do not go to bed with wet hair naroshchennymi, otherwise they will be very difficult to comb. Brushes with balls on the tips of the bristles can not be used - they may damage the keratin capsules, tangled in the strands and break them.

Washing of extension hair should be carried out using a mild shampoo, with mandatory use of balms and conditioners. Shampoo need to be diluted with water by half, do not use concentrated formulations. Make sure that the time of exposure to detergent Naroscheny hair no more than two minutes - beat the shampoo into a lather in the hands, apply on hair, neat movements spread across the length and rinse with water. Be careful not to confuse the hair, not to damage them, preserves the structure of strands. Water should not be too hot and too dense shampoo and overlying components (such compositions usually employed for dry hair).

If you style your locks with a hair dryer or straighten their ironing, it is necessary to handle your hair with special thermal protection means. Take care that the protective agent does not get into the capsule. Frequent use of a hair dryer, hot paving forceps may adversely affect the condition of extension of the fibers, so the dose of their application. All the heated portion of the apparatus for laying and must not come into contact with the capsule, often try to dry your hair the natural way. If you are going to the sauna or steam bath, make sure you cover your hair cap. Long increased locks at night, you can not braid in a tight braid, so as not to mess up.

Proper care of hair extensions involves daily use of moisturizing masks, nutritional compositions and mitigating sprays. Once a month, you need to visit a hair salon for a series of caring procedures that will support Naroscheny strands.

Tags: hair