If you want to podplesti hair that had escaped from the hair, need to start from the roots and move downward. Podpletat hair should be in the same direction. It is necessary to take an ordinary hook for knitting, thread the Dred it through so that the hook is released under vybivsheysya strand. These hair wrap two or three times the hook and pull the other side. So keep doing until the end of dread. To secure the hair in dreadlocks, you must use a small amount of wax or gel for styling.
If you want to end podplesti dreadlocks, use the same hook. It slips through the tip of dreadlocks, engages a lock of hair and pull on the back side. Such actions must be repeated until all the hair vpletete. Ideally should turn Dred rounded.
Hair grow, so there is a feeling of tightness of the skin, and the appearance of dread is poor. Therefore, the roots of the hair should be podpletat. Again, just like the previous cases, you need to use the hook to stretch loose hair inward dread. In this dread in any case can not be rotated through it - from such actions appear nodes, which can lead to rupture.
If initially dreadlocks were woven bad, and you want to make them look thicker and more dense, then take the thinnest strand of hair between her and make a small hole and dreadlocks. Through him pull dread. You can use several such loops. To be safe, better to fix the ends with wax or gel.
If you are too lazy podpletat dreadlocks, then use the gum, tips or locks.